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Beyond What I Expected

It has come to the point in this project, and many might say it came a while ago, where the things that I am doing at my internship for my project are far too complicated to try to explain in the detail that I have been in the past. For the past week, I have been running many models of the dust disk that we are studying. I have run them with a multitude of accompanying codes that I have written for this project. After I leave the Steward Observatory, the goal is that anyone can use my codes to perform the same functions that I did during my time here. I have learned a lot of the programming language python over the past month. I have also learned how to create, manipulate, read, and manage astronomical data, which I still feel is no easy feat. Today I reflected on how much I have learned and gained from this project after these last 2 months, and the amount of knowledge and skills that I have found impresses even myself. I genuinely enjoy my project and I look forward to going to the Steward Observatory.

The reason that I am not attempting to explain anything in depth anymore is because the complexity has surpassed the level to which I can fully explore thoroughly. This is not to say that I will not explain things. However, to explain thew things that I have learned, it would take me months and a novel. This post is mainly an update on my feelings surrounding my project and a mid-way reflection on what I have already gotten from this project. There is another observation next week that I may be attending, but we shall see.

Below is a screenshot of may desktop, it usually has way too many things going on.

Here are a few of the codes that I wrote.

Finally, here are some of the images I have created.

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